Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dilly went to see Santa today.

This is not Dylann on Santa's lap. Why? Because we were not allowed to take our own pictures... we had to buy theirs...to the tune of $48.00. I was planning on buying a couple of pictures from them, but I needed 3 5x7's for some special "Santa and Me" frames I bought. So, I bought their pictures and now I have to wait until I go in to the office on Friday to scan them. Here is a sweet picture I took of Dilly outside the Santa house...It's even cuter than their pic. She started standing while holding on to something this week...perfect timing for this pose.


Kelly Dawn said...

awww how flippin cute she is!! I so need to quit stopping by here to look at pictures of the baby girl....gettin the bad baby fever.... :)

Leslie said...

oh my gosh.. I love her!!!! That's a gorgeous pose. Who needs santa's lap!!!

Anonymous said...

Great picture! She is SO CUTE! She looks just like Katie.
Beautiful picture! That's a framer for sure!

Chrissie a.k.a. HoneyB said...

So sweet. I know exactly what you're talking about when I take my grandson same story. I usually offer to pay for the pics since my daughter is single. We just scan them and print what we want. Now they threw me for a loop last year in the big package they gave you a disk and you could take it to walmart and print what you wanted. How silly is that?
Take care, Chrissie