Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another New Blog

I have been hesitant to post all of the pictures I take of my precious Dylann in this blog, so to remedy that I have created a new blog just for pictures of her. It's called "Every Day with Dylann; a Photo Journal". Stop by and see how big she's getting!


Kindyland said...

Hi. Thanks for commenting on my blog. You had asked what was wrong with me. I just have a lump in my abdomen. One doctor said it was an endometrioma and my new GYN said it wasn't. So I had to have an ultrasound. The problem is, my doctor was called out to delivery a baby and I don't have a follow-up till Dec. 3rd. LOL So, I was just whining about it. I think I am perfectly okay. It's just something they want to remove for precaution and because it is giving me some probs. :) Thanks for visiting. Dylannn is adorable!

Leslie said...

She's so beautiful!!!!!