Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cold again!

It's even colder this morning than it was yesterday! I broke down and got out my winter coat and a few sweaters. I don't know what it is about Floridians, but we try to go as long as possible without dragging out the winter clothes. Maybe we think that cold snaps are too short to go to the trouble...remember, the winter clothes have been put away for about 6 months's a pain in the neck to dig them out! Whatever the reason, I had to dig way into the back of my closet, contorting my body to find the rubbermaid tub and pull out whatever was on top. We have a small space heater that we keep under the bathroom sink...well it's on top of the sink now warming up that bathroom! Oh and that leads me to another Floridian quirk...we never turn on the central heat...never. Give it a few hours and it will warm up on it's own. Funny. Well, I am going out to brave the cold and get my big diesel truck cranked up and get the heat blowing on high for about 15 minutes before I get in! Have a good day! Keep warm!


Kelly Dawn said...

i tagged you woman to :dish the dirt:...

love you


Chrissie a.k.a. HoneyB said...

That is funny you sound like Texans. My family lives with the air or fan on all year round even when it's cold.
Now where I live now once you turn the heat on you don't have to worry about going back to the a/c. Now fans I still run mine, but I brought that habit with me from Texas.
Take care, Chrissie